產品詳情 Product details
GB/T 10228-2008 GB1094.11-2007
額定高壓Rated HV: 10(10.5,11,6,6.3,6.6)kV
額定低壓 Rated LV: 0.4kV
分接范圍Tap connection range:
無勵磁調壓Non-exciting regulation(主5%,主2×2.5%)
有載調壓On-load regulation(主4x2.5%)
聯結組別Vector group:Dyn11or Y yn0
絕緣水平Insulation level : LI75AC35/AC5
注;有載調壓系列變壓器僅對以下兩項數據作調整:1.重量增加100kg; 2、有載開關布置在變壓的側面a增加650mm或正面b增加750mm;
1.Model and meaning
2.Product standards
GB/T 10228-2008 GB1094.11-2007
Rated HV: 10 (10.5, 11, 6, 6.3, 6.6) kV
The rated low voltage Rated LV: 0.4kV
Tap range Tap connection range:
Non-exciting regulation without excitation voltage regulation (main 5%, main 2×2.5%)
On-load regulation of on-load voltage regulation (main 4x2.5%)
Combination group Vector group:Dyn11or Y yn0
Insulation level Insulation level: LI75AC35/AC5
6KV,10KV class 11 dry-type distribution transformers without excitation regulator load loss and load loss
Note:On-load regulation series transformer regulates the two data items as follows: 1. Weight increase 100kg;
2.Transformation flank a increase 650mm or face b increase 750mm assigned by on-load switch;