產品詳情 Product details
GB/T 10228-2008 GB1094.11-2007
額定高壓Rated HV:20(22、24)kV
額定低壓 Rated LV: 0.4kV
分接范圍Tap connection range:
無勵磁調壓 Non-exciting regulation(主5%,±2×2.5%)
有載調壓 On-load regulation(士4×2.5%)
聯結組別 Vector group:Dyn11or Y yn0
絕緣水平Insulation level :L1125AC50/AC5
1.Model and meaning
2.Product standards
GB/T 10228-2008 GB1094.11-2007
Rated HV:20(22, 24)kV
The rated low voltage Rated LV: 0.4kV
Tap range Tap connection range:
Non-exciting regulation without excitation voltage regulation (main 5%, 2× 2.5%)
On-load regulation of on-load voltage regulation (4×2.5%)
Combination group Vector group:Dyn11or Y yn0
Insulation level Insulation level :L1125AC50/AC
Note: 1, load loss slash table above apply to join the group Dyn11 load loss slash Yyn0 below values apply to join the group.
2, other capacity product performance parameters, determined by the user in consultation with the manufacturer.